A calming picture to make me feel a little more mellow. It's been a crazy two weeks and I just want to go on holiday again. There's been lots of work, lots of family stuff and lots & lots & lots of admin.
The main reason for all the admin... well, Rudi and I put an offer on a house and, being self employed, we have to prove a hell of a lot to the bank so that we can get a home loan. Subsequently most of last week was spent trying to get our financial statements up to day, going to the bank to get statements and so on. If I have any advice for you it's this, buy a house before you ever think of going into business on your own. For the salary earners out there all it takes to get a loan (provided your finances look fine), is 3 months bank statements and 1 to 3 pay slips. For us it was 3 years financials, 6 - 12 months bank statements, letters from our accountant confirming that we are actually making money, forms about where our business is going and a list of all our worldly belongings (just in case the bank needs to sell them all one day :).
Anyway, it's all done and (hoping I'm not jinxing it) everything looks good. Hopefully we hear this week if we have the bond and then it'll be a mad rush to pack as we'll be moving in at the end of March. Here it is from the outside.
Funny thing about the house. It was only the 3rd one we saw. Rudi and I had planned to buy something acceptable so that we could stop paying rent and actually put our money to good use, but in the end we were lucky enough to find a house we love! It's brand new, bigger than we had hoped to find and super modern inside. We did feel like we couldn't jump straight into this so we saw another 8 houses after it, but our hearts were already spoken for. Hold thumbs that we get that loan xxx